Trinity Lutheran
Bismarck, North Dakota
Trinity Lutheran Church in Bismarck, ND was one of Tricorne Audio, Inc.’s first installations dating back to 1992. The original speakers were starting to fail (for the first time) and repair costs were going to be a moderate investment. Some of the original amplifiers were also still in place and given their high mileage, combined with the speaker situation and the evolution of worship styles in the church, it was decided that a full upgrade was in order. Thankfully, Tricorne Audio had assisted the church in upgrading their older analog mixers (that is correct, there were actually 4 of them in the system) into a single digital mixer with remote I-pad control and personal monitor mixers. This upgrade solidified Tricorne as the contractor for the speaker upgrade.
Solution: Tricorne Audio began by developing an EASE acoustical mode of the space. This allowed the staff at Tricorne to look at various options (line array, single cluster, distributed cluster) and develop the most effective speaker system for the budget. The end result was an EAW system utilizing 3 speaker clusters. Custom rigging by APE Rigging allowed for an uncommonly clean installation and significantly reduced the installation time allowing the entire project to be completed in less than 2 weeks. The final project was a great looking system that sounds even better. The system upgrade also included a new amplifier and a digital speaker processor to ensure the highest quality audio possible.